Math 30 Differential Equations

Math 30 Differential Equations (for students who have NOT taken linear algebra)
MWF 10:30-11:20, Sci. 183
Jim Wiseman
Science Center, Rm. 153 Ph: x5763
Office hours: Wed. 2:30-4, Thurs. 11-12 and 2:30-4, and by appointment


2/10/05 -- Final exam scheduled for Fri. May 6, 9:00-12:00 in Sci. 183.
2/12/05 -- Posted a practice first midterm.
2/15/05 -- Posted solutions to practice midterm.
2/18/05 -- Posted solutions to first midterm.
2/28/05 -- Logistic map webpages here, here, and here.
3/13/05 -- Behold the sliderule.
3/24/05 -- Posted a practice second midterm and solutions.
4/6/05 -- Posted solutions to second midterm.
4/20/05 -- Lorenz attractor applet.
4/25/05 -- Fourier series applets here and here.
4/25/05 -- Posted practice final and solutions.
5/6/05 -- Posted solutions to final exam.


Jim Wiseman
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Swarthmore College