Spring 2008

All assignments are due in class on the date shown.  

Date due Assignment
Fri 1/18 Math questionnaire
Wed 1/23 Ch. 0 (p. 7), #1, 2, 3
Running in the rain estimates.
Wed 1/30 Present projects 1.2 (bobcats, p.39) and 1.3 (blood alcohol, p.40)
Fri 2/1 Turn in writeups for projects 1.2 and 1.3.
Ch. 1 (p. 38), #1, 2, 3c
Mon 2/11 Present project 2.1 (stochastic bobcats, p.93) 
Wed 2/13 Turn in writeups for project 2.1.
Ch. 2 (p. 90), #4, 6
Fri 2/15 Be prepared to present/discuss this stuff.  You'll need Paul Edelman's law review article.
Wed 3/12 (You don't need to turn these in, or present project 3.1, but you're responsible for the material on the midterm.)
Ch. 3 (p.135), #1, 5, 9
Project 3.1 (age-structured bobcats, p.139)
Mon 3/17 proposal for final project - please hand in a one page description of your topic, including the main ideas or results that you plan to cover. Also include a tentative list of sources.
Wed 3/26 Ch. 4 (p.226), #3, 5
Fri 3/28 (Don't need to turn in) Project 4.1 (England and Wales, p.228)
Wed 4/2 Ch. 5 (p.307), #5, 6, 10
Mon 4/14 final project outline and bibliography
Wed 4/16 this assignment
Mon 4/28 final paper