Spring 2010

All assignments are due in class on the date shown.  On the first page of homework assignments, write a list of any assigned problems that you did not finish (it should be a short list).  Show your work.  I strongly encourage you to work in groups, but you must write up the results yourself.

Assignments are from Devaney, except those marked ASY, which are from Alligood, Sauer, and Yorke.

Date due Assignment
Fri 1/15 Math questionnaire
Mon 1/25 Experiment 3.6 (p. 25), for the doubling function D only (the Maple worksheet iterateDoublingMap.mw may be helpful, or Excel, or this applet)
3 (p.26) #1, 3, 5-10, 13, 14
4 (p.34) #1, 5, 6, 7
Fri 2/5 5 (p.50) #1(a,c,j,k), 2(a,b,d), 3, 4(a,b), 5, 6
6 (p.67) #1(a,b,j), 2-8, 10
Wed 2/17 (You don't have to turn these in, but you're responsible for the material on the midterm.)
7 (p.80) #1-3, 16-18
8 (p.94) #4-6, 14 (this applet may be helpful, or you can try modifying the Maple worksheet bifurcationDiagram.mw.)
Mon 3/1 9 (p.111) #1, 2, 7, 9, 12, 13, 18(a,i)
Mon 3/8 (You don't have to turn these in, but you're responsible for the material.)
10 (p.130) #1-4, 6, 8, 15, 17, 20
Mon 3/29 11 (p.151) #1, 2, 4.  Optional:  #9.
14 (p.199) #3, 11 (fractal dimension only), 15
Wed 4/7 (You don't have to turn these in, but you're responsible for the material on the midterm.)
ASY 2 (p.98) #1, 3, 5, 7a, 11
Fri 4/23 ASY 5 (p.226) #7(ab), 8, 9
ASY T10.2 (p.410)
ASY (p.440) #2